Kindergartens in Beijing China


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AGE GROUPS - Nursery 2-3 years old

Nursery 2-3 years old: Whole day: 2,500
CNY Half day: 1,500 CNY
For new entrants into the kindergarten at this age we allow the flexibility of either a full day or a half day.

Up to 3 years old is the informative period of early childhood. We aim to let the children have fun in a controlled and safe environment so they can explore, play with toys (which are designed to be educational aids), be exposed to music and begin to experience our bilingual Chinese – English general approach to the classroom, while generally build their confidence. We aim at CIS to give your child a head start with our customised early learning programme and StartSmart(r) mind development and games. We must teach our children to dream with their eyes open.

"The foundation for a learning journey through life."