Kindergartens in Beijing China


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Cambridge Kindergartens group hereinafter referred to as CIS group.

Admissions Procedure Terms and Conditions of Entry to a Cambridge  Kindergarten and Pre-School.

Admissions Procedure.
Places will be allocated to applicants in order of registration, so it is advisable to register your child or children as early as possible. While the College's preferred time of entry is at the begining of a term, we have the flexibility to enroll children in any month during the year.

All parents of prospective students are advised to make initial contact with the Admissions Office at the College. The Headmaster will be responsible for all admissions into the School and the Admissions Director will be pleased to meet all prospective parents to assess their needs and to advise them on the admissions procedure. Such a preliminary meeting is strongly advised for all prospective parents. We will ensure that you receive all the relevant information and documents to enable the admissions procedure to run as smoothly as possible. If you still have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the Headmaster through the Admissions Office. Please go back to the menu and see the application/enquiry form for contact details.

All prospective parents have to complete the Registration Form, which constitutes the basis of their application to the school.

A member of the Admissions Office staff will be more than happy to explain the form and the other information required, in addition to organising a preliminary visit to the school, at a time convenient to parents, to meet the Headmaster. The Registration Form can be found under Admissions on the school website. The form must be supported by the following documentation:

* Copy of the passports or ID of the student and/or Copy of the student’s birth certificate.
* Copy of ID of one of the parents or the legal guardian.
* Four recently taken passport-size photographs of the student.
* If transferring from another school copy of the most recent school report

All applicants pay a non-refundable Administration fee of 2,000 CNY with the application form. Upon receipt of all the above, the Admissions Office will review the applicants and may require an interview. The intention is that the offer of a place will be made within 10 days of receipt of the application form. On the acceptance of a place at the school a non-refundable registration fee of 1,000 CNY is payable at the same time. 

Parents must provide the following signed forms provided by the admissions office with the offer letter:

* Health Form and Physical Examination Form
* Signed acceptance of the school Terms and Conditions and Parent Charter.

A refundable Placement Deposit of 7,500 CNY is payable before your child's first day of school.

The Placement Deposit will be repaid by means of a credit without interest to the final payment of fees or other sums due when the student finally leaves the school. Until credited, it will form part of the general funds of the school.

Admission Policy
The College aims to take students with a wide range of skills and abilities. A selection process is involved though this process is made as comfortable as possible for all concerned. We all approach the selection process with the firm belief that all students have got something to offer and so every chance is given to try to accommodate parents and students who obviously want to join us. All students at the school enter at their appropriate year group level. Any exceptions will be made by the Headmaster.

Age requirements for entry to different year groups are: Ages on 1st September:
Nursery 2 to 2 years 11 months, Lower Kindergarten 3 years to 3 years 11 months  Upper Kindergarten 4 years to 4 years 11months. Junior School and Pre-school 5 years to 5 years 11 months.

The entry procedure involves the parents and child meeting the Headmaster and the Head of the year group before the child's first day of school. There will be no formal test, but every opportunity will be given for the child to get to know the teachers and to interact with other prospective students, whether through set tasks or play. Language proficiency at this stage is deemed less important than the ability to mix socially with the other students and to respond positively to the teacher, both in the classroom environment and the more informal setting of the play areas.

We expect all our parents to be fully supportive of the ethos and values of the school and therefore all offers of a place are subject to agreement by parents to our Standard Terms and Conditions and Parent Charter, copies of which are available from the Admissions Office, and which will also be sent accompanying the offer letter. The decision to offer a place to a student will be taken by the Admissions Committee, comprising the Headmaster and the relevant Head of year. The intention is that the offer of a place will be made within a week of the entrance tests and interview. Students may not attend the school until all aspects of the admissions procedure have been carried out and all the relevant fees paid.

The school leaving age is 6 years old. If you decide to remove your child earlier, we ask for 1 full term's notice in writing in advance so we can allocate the place to a new pupil. Therefore in line with other schools we have the policy that, if notice is not given as above a term's fees will become due and payable. 

Learning Support. Every effort is made to ensure our students reach the necessary standard of English proficiency for success at the school. If a pupil is having difficulties with English the need may arise for additional English language support. Our learning support can be arranged as extra curricular lessons. Details are available from the school office.

Special Educational Needs (SEN).
The College accepts students with mild learning difficulties on a case-by-case basis. The needs of each individual will be considered against current staffing levels and the available expertise and resources. In general terms students will be offered places if they are able to participate successfully in the regular classroom with a limited amount of support, usually not in excess of an average of one hour per day of individual and/or small group work. Further details can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

Gifted and Talented Programme
. The College believes that all students have strengths that must be nurtured and developed to their full potential, while recognising that some students have particular gifts and talents that require specialist support and encouragement. To fulfil this need, both the curriculum and the extra-curricular programme have been devised to provide gifted students with the widest possible opportunities to enhance their skills and talents. Further details can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

Siblings and Waiting Lists. Siblings of current students will take precedence over new applicants without any previous association with the school. If a student meets all the above admissions criteria but there is no space available, he or she will be placed on the year group waiting list. Priority on the waiting lists will again be given to siblings of students already in the school. The waiting lists are ended at the end of each academic year and parents need to re-apply if they wish to be considered for admission for the following year. A second Registration fee will not be required for entry in these circumstances.

Parental Feedback.
The school has gone to great efforts to try to make the Admissions procedure into the school as easy and efficient as possible for all concerned. Nevertheless, we are always aware that we can improve and, for this reason, we do appreciate your feedback once the process is over. The Headmaster is always available to discuss ways in which we can do better and, with this in mind, the Admissions Office will give you a questionnaire. We all hope you will take the time to fill it out and we can assure you we will take very seriously your comments and act upon any shortcomings you draw our attention to. 

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